Thursday 13 March 2014

Caution: May Contain Leprechauns

Welcome to ShowMeYourLeprechaun. Top of the morning!
Imagine, if you will, that your name is Bobert. It’s safe to say that life is throwing you a lot of curveballs at the moment in the town of Lymerick – your family and marriage are on the rocks, you’re stuck in a dead end job of ‘questionable’ patronage with a boss that asks you how you are down the barrel of a gun. You’re not going to be taking that sunny holiday in the Bahamas any time soon.
Until you’re sent on a job to show a client a lethal take on the idea of ‘time off’, and to take a little something back for your trouble. A suitcase, locked in the cellar of the client’s house. And whatever’s in that suitcase is awfully boisterous.
Say hi to Fachnan, a loud-mouthed Leprechaun with a lifetime spent creating a unique product for said boss. And a change of heart. He’s on the run. Or he was, until he found himself in that suitcase. A favour for a favour, he says, with a desperate grin.
And now he’s in your hands. Where will you take him?
Welcome to Bobert and Fachnan. You might want to check your cellar, they might not be dust gremlins down there.